The purpose of this martingale is not to control the horses head but to prevent the reins from coming over it. This can be handy in the event of a fall or on horses who are prone to tossing their head around. It decreases the risk of entanglement and therefore injury to your horse.
- Italian leather Irish martingale
- High quality stitching
- Stainless steel rings for reins to pass through
Premier Equine Int.
Premier Equine Esperia Irish Martingale
Pre-Order Only Item
This product is available for Pre-Order only. We usually receive orders from the supplier in 7-10 days, but there may be occasional delays due to customs clearance.
Please note that we do not offer refunds for pre-orders that take longer than expected, unless you have informed us via email at the time of your order that it is needed by a certain date and we were unable to fulfill that request. Please feel free to email if you have any questions regarding delivery timeframes.