The Solo Rake is a unique, double headed grooming rake.
Rounded tooth combs lift coat evenly for clipping and scissoring, removing tangles and dead undercoat.
Ideal for shaping, finishing, thinning and creating a hand stripped look.
Sologroom SoloRake
Special Online Only Item
This item is special order only which means we may not carry stock in our store. If you order this for delivery we will deliver the product from the supplier. If you want to pick this up from our Tauranga store we will need to order this in and contact you when it arrives. This can take 1-3 business days to arrive.
If you would like a more accurate ETA, please message the chat or send us an email ( and we will be happy to assist.
The Solo Rake is a unique, double headed grooming rake.
Rounded tooth combs lift coat evenly for clipping and scissoring, removing tangles and dead undercoat.
Ideal for shaping, finishing, thinning and creating a hand stripped look.