Calmex Cat is a nutritional supplement to aid with promoting a calm and relaxed demeanour
Cats are obligate carnivores and are known to be very territorial, as well as being motivated by hunting behaviour. They may experience stress from changes to or anything that they perceive as a threat upon their territory or natural behaviours.
Calmex Cat is a tasty liquid that contains:
- L-Theanine – an amino acid found in green tea which is a nutrient to support normal composure
- L-Tryptophan – an essential nutritional amino acid to help maintain normal disposition
- B vitamins – essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system
Calmex Cat is designed to aid cats that encounter long term stressful circumstances. However, it can also be used to support cats for during one-off or short-term stressors if necessary.
Feeding Instructions:
Calmex Cat liquid can be given directly or added to food. Remove the safety cap, insert the syringe, invert the bottle, draw the plunger and dispense. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE
Dose Rate:
Administer 1ml per 4.5kg of body weight twice daily or as recommended by your veterinary surgeon
Vet Plus
Calmex Cat 60ml
Calmex Cat is a nutritional supplement to aid with promoting a calm and relaxed demeanour
Cats are obligate carnivores and are known to be very territorial, as well as being motivated by hunting behaviour. They may experience stress from changes to or anything that they perceive as a threat upon their territory or natural behaviours.
Calmex Cat is a tasty liquid that contains:
- L-Theanine – an amino acid found in green tea which is a nutrient to support normal composure
- L-Tryptophan – an essential nutritional amino acid to help maintain normal disposition
- B vitamins – essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system
Calmex Cat is designed to aid cats that encounter long term stressful circumstances. However, it can also be used to support cats for during one-off or short-term stressors if necessary.
Feeding Instructions:
Calmex Cat liquid can be given directly or added to food. Remove the safety cap, insert the syringe, invert the bottle, draw the plunger and dispense. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE
Dose Rate:
Administer 1ml per 4.5kg of body weight twice daily or as recommended by your veterinary surgeon