Unfortuantely Cat Lax Paste has been discontinued. CatMalt is the latest alternative. Please visit the link for more information and to purchase:
Cat-Lax paste is a white petrolatum based mild laxative designed for the elimination and prevention of furballs in cats.
It also contains Cod liver oil and vitamin E to prevent fat soluble vitamin deficiency that can occur with extended use of laxatives.
Manufacturers Recommended Dosage:
- For furball prevention - 2.5cm of paste 2-3 times per week
- For current furball problems in adult cats: 2.5cm of paste ONCE daily
- For use in smaller cats: Reduce dose accordingly
- Administer either directly into your cats mouth or mixed in food
- Alternatively, when put on your cats paw, they will lick it off and become accustomed to the pleasant taste
Unfortuantely Cat Lax Paste has been discontinued. CatMalt is the latest alternative. Please visit the link for more information and to purchase:
Cat-Lax paste is a white petrolatum based mild laxative designed for the elimination and prevention of furballs in cats.
It also contains Cod liver oil and vitamin E to prevent fat soluble vitamin deficiency that can occur with extended use of laxatives.
Manufacturers Recommended Dosage:
- For furball prevention - 2.5cm of paste 2-3 times per week
- For current furball problems in adult cats: 2.5cm of paste ONCE daily
- For use in smaller cats: Reduce dose accordingly
- Administer either directly into your cats mouth or mixed in food
- Alternatively, when put on your cats paw, they will lick it off and become accustomed to the pleasant taste