An essential part of maintaining a healthy aquarium is providing adequate oxygen levels. Standard filtration may not be enough for certain species of fish, making it beneficial to have an airstone and pump operating in your aquarium. In addition to promoting fish health, this setup also adds aesthetic appeal through the release of bubbles. Air stones effectively circulate water and increase oxygen levels, while also enhancing the overall environment of the aquarium.
Key Features:
- When attached to an airpump, airstones supply aquariums with more oxygen
- Easy to use
- Can be buried beneath gravel for a more natural look
- Releases bubbles into the aquarium
Aqua One
Aqua One Air Stone Disk 11.5cm
An essential part of maintaining a healthy aquarium is providing adequate oxygen levels. Standard filtration may not be enough for certain species of fish, making it beneficial to have an airstone and pump operating in your aquarium. In addition to promoting fish health, this setup also adds aesthetic appeal through the release of bubbles. Air stones effectively circulate water and increase oxygen levels, while also enhancing the overall environment of the aquarium.
Key Features:
- When attached to an airpump, airstones supply aquariums with more oxygen
- Easy to use
- Can be buried beneath gravel for a more natural look
- Releases bubbles into the aquarium