Our minced chicken is a bi-product of human consumption chicken sourced here in NZ. Minced chicken frames add value of bone, meat, skin and fat while getting the nutritional values of vitamins B2, B3 & B6. Chicken is also a source of zinc and folic acid, is low in saturated fat and high in protein, niacin, selenium and phosphorus.
NOTE: So use our chicken mince if you are not confident with meaty chicken frames, but if you have a dog that is capable of eating meaty bones, give them the meaty chicken frames and necks as well.
Protein is needed to build, repair and maintain body tissues, organs and cells in all parts of the body. Proteins are complex molecules and are made up of different combinations of smaller units called amino acids. Protein is necessary to build a strong, muscular body.
Some calcium is obtained through the blood that is consumed through raw products; however your pet’s main supply of calcium is produced by your pet’s natural internal system when fed a balanced raw diet.