
Crickets Live Insects

Size: 25 Pack - Small

Live Insects

PLEASE NOTE: Our live insects are ordered fresh every Monday morning, and delivered to us on Thursday, so ordering after Monday morning may delay shipment until the following Thursday. They will be shipped with any other items you order at the time of purchase. Please note that Kiwi Petz ship live insects at the customers risk - and cannot be at fault for any courier delays. 

PLEASE NOTE: Our Live Insects are ordered every Monday to guarantee that they arrive healthy for you. They are delivered to us fresh every Thursday, so if you order after Monday morning, your insects may not be shipped until the following Thursday. Please note that Kiwi Petz ship live insects at the customers risk - and cannot be liable for any deaths or for any courier delays.

Crickets are an excellent choice for a feeder insect to offer as prey for your bearded dragon and other reptiles and birds Provide your pet with a diverse and nutritious diet with the help of Crickets Live Insects. These high-quality insects make for the perfect feeder option to satisfy the appetite of your bearded dragon, reptile, or bird. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your beloved companion is receiving the variety and protein they need to thrive.

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