Seahorse Supplements

Maxia Balance 4KG


Maxia Balance combines vitamins and minerals in their most bio-available form to deliver a balanced formulation of micro nutrients essential for the good health of your horse.

Suitable for horses to address short falls in daily essential vitamins and minerals which have many important roles to play in the body from maintaining metabolism, building tissues and functions such as muscle contraction.

Incorporating Maxia Balance into your horse's diet should be considered when:
The full recommended feeding rates of a balanced commercial feed are not being met
Feeding straight grains such as barley, oats or an unfortified feed mix (does not have a vitamin and mineral premix included)
The horse is on a forage only diet

Recommended feeding rate:
30g Per Day
(This recommendation is based on a mature 500kg horse, please adjust accordingly to the weight of your horse. (30g scoop included)

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
🌟 Rating: 5/5

I’ve been using Maxia Balance for my horse, and it’s been fantastic. Even though my horse doesn’t have any specific gut issues, I’ve noticed improvements in his overall condition. His coat is shinier, his energy levels are steady, and he’s looking healthier all around.

It’s easy to mix into his feed, and he eats it with no fuss. While it’s a bit of an investment, the benefits are absolutely worth it. I’d highly recommend Maxia Balance for maintaining a happy and healthy horse.

🌟 Rating: 5/5