The long established and well respected liniment that assists massage in the treatment of sprains and strains in horses and dogs. Now with improved formulation. Penetrene A® Liniment has been widely used to help promote blood flow to damaged tissues and so assist the natural processes of healing.
Penetrene A Liniment is a green liquid with a characteristic smell of menthol and acetone. Each 100ml contains acetone 25.0g, menthol 1.14g, sassafras oil 0.26g, and aniseed oil 0.37g, in an alcoholic base. The colouring helps identify the area of treatment.
Mode of Action:
The combination of ingredients acts as a rubefacient, stimulating blood circulation to muscles, ligaments and tendons underlying the area of application. A mild antiseptic and analgesic effect is also achieved. The acetone assists penetration of the skin to achieve action at the site of sprains and strains. Massage reduces the development of unwanted adhesions at these injury sites, while the improved blood flow promotes normal healing processes and helps remove inflammatory debris.
Combined with rest, this enhances natural repair and reduces internal scarring without the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
An aid to massage in the treatment of sprains and strains in horses and dogs.
In cases such as sprains and stains, foment the affected part with hot water. Dry thoroughly. Stimulate well by massaging. Apply a little Penetrene A Liniment full strength, enough to wet the hair, several times, each time working it well in from the outside to the centre of the trouble. Apply three times a day for three to four days, then once a day and at night. Can be used as a leg wash or muscle wash.
Apply as a leg wash under cotton wool bandages.
Caution: Do not apply to damaged skin.
Ethical Agents
Penetrene 'A' Liniment 500ml
The long established and well respected liniment that assists massage in the treatment of sprains and strains in horses and dogs. Now with improved formulation. Penetrene A® Liniment has been widely used to help promote blood flow to damaged tissues and so assist the natural processes of healing.
Penetrene A Liniment is a green liquid with a characteristic smell of menthol and acetone. Each 100ml contains acetone 25.0g, menthol 1.14g, sassafras oil 0.26g, and aniseed oil 0.37g, in an alcoholic base. The colouring helps identify the area of treatment.
Mode of Action:
The combination of ingredients acts as a rubefacient, stimulating blood circulation to muscles, ligaments and tendons underlying the area of application. A mild antiseptic and analgesic effect is also achieved. The acetone assists penetration of the skin to achieve action at the site of sprains and strains. Massage reduces the development of unwanted adhesions at these injury sites, while the improved blood flow promotes normal healing processes and helps remove inflammatory debris.
Combined with rest, this enhances natural repair and reduces internal scarring without the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
An aid to massage in the treatment of sprains and strains in horses and dogs.
In cases such as sprains and stains, foment the affected part with hot water. Dry thoroughly. Stimulate well by massaging. Apply a little Penetrene A Liniment full strength, enough to wet the hair, several times, each time working it well in from the outside to the centre of the trouble. Apply three times a day for three to four days, then once a day and at night. Can be used as a leg wash or muscle wash.
Apply as a leg wash under cotton wool bandages.
Caution: Do not apply to damaged skin.