
Vetafarm Avicare Concentrate 100ml


Use as a safe and effective disinfectant cleanser for all situations that require a high level of hygiene, such as brooders, incubators, hospital cages and for disinfection of equipment.

Key Features:

  • Hospital B grade disinfectant.
  • Instantly kills bacteria, viruses and fungi on contact.
  • Is effective in up to 20% organic matter – perfect for disinfection in dirty situations.
  • Completely safe for all birds, environments and equipment.


Dilute with water 1:50 prior to use. Ready to Use: Remove gross contamination (e.g. faeces, leftover food, bedding etc) spray with Avicare, allow 5 minutes for disinfection to occur and then use as normal.


50g/L Benzalkonuim Chloride , 25g/L Sulphamic acid